Convert PDF to DOCX

Convert Your PDF to DOCX documents effortlessly

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*Files deleted after 24 hours

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How to convert a PDF to DOCX file online

To convert a PDF to DOCX, drag and drop or click our upload area to upload the file

Our tool will automatically convert your PDF to DOCX file

Then you click the download link to the file to save the DOCX to your computer

PDF to DOCX conversion FAQ

How does your PDF to DOCX converter work?
Our PDF to DOCX converter uses advanced algorithms to ensure accurate conversion while preserving formatting. Upload your PDF, and our tool will transform it into an editable Word document in DOCX format.
Yes, the converted DOCX document is fully editable, and we strive to maintain the original formatting. You can make further edits as needed once the conversion is complete.
Our converter can handle files of various sizes. However, for optimal performance, we recommend uploading files of moderate size for a smoother conversion process.
Absolutely! Our PDF to DOCX converter includes OCR technology, allowing you to convert both regular and scanned PDFs into fully editable Word documents.
Yes, your privacy and security are our top priorities. We use secure protocols and do not store your uploaded files after the conversion process is complete.

file-document Created with Sketch Beta.

PDF (Portable Document Format), a format created by Adobe, ensures universal viewing with text,images, and formatting. Its portability, security features, and print fidelity make it pivotal in document tasks, apart from its creator's identity.

file-document Created with Sketch Beta.

DOCX (Office Open XML document) is a file format used for word processing documents. Introduced by Microsoft Word, DOCX files are XML-based and contain text, images, and formatting. They provide improved data integration and support for advanced features compared to the older DOC format.

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